IBM to introduce DS4700 Express in Australia

IBM to introduce DS4700 Express in Australia

This June, IBM will bring into the Australian market the DS4700 Express - another product from its DS4000 disk storage product series.

LSI Logic is the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) for IBM, which will ship in the IBM System Storage DS4700 Express Models 70 and 72 in June. The product range is priced at US$19,449.

IBM promises that this storage solution will allow a low cost of ownership while providing high data availability, strong storage management capabilities and powerful performance features.

According to IBM, the product will enable an easy and cost effect scale storage capacity. Their powerful and dynamic backup and recovery capability promises to protect data and prevent failure along with the usual response and recovery features.

As part of the DS4000 Series, the DS4700 Express is set to offer high-performance 4 Gbps capable Fibre Channel connections, up to 33.6TB of physical storage capacity, powerful system management, data management and data protection features. In addition, the DS4700 Express is designed to expand from workgroups to an enterprise with the attachment of six DS4000 EXP810 disk enclosures.

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