NetApp New Product For June '06

NetApp New Product For June '06

May 25th, 2006: Despite a US fourth-quarter drop in profits, Network Appliance (NetApp) remains upbeat and plans announcements in both the SME and high-end computing environments for June.

NetApp's non-US earnings caused a tax write-down of US$25-million this week causing as drop in profits for the quarter. However, declaring yearly earnings of US$598-million, up from last year's $US451.8-million, the company still appears to be ontrack.

Speaking on behalf of NetApp in Australia and New Zealand, Mark Heers, told IDM today, "With revenues up by 29% we are globally well over revenue targets. As far as Asia Pacific components of that, however, we don't go that deep into figures."

Heers did tell us that early June will see a some announcements that expand the company's presence within the high-end computing environments such as, "rich media and mining'. Obviously this points towards storage that is fairly specific to imaging media.

Also due in June are US-centric launches that will take NetApp into the SME area. This follows the trend set by other major players such as EMC and HP. Heers remained cagey about exactly what will be re-sized to fit the requirements of the smaller business area.

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