Objective Organises NZ Prime Minister

Objective Organises NZ Prime Minister

April 11th, 2006: Objective has been picked by the New Zealand Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) for its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution.

One of the three central agencies of government in New Zealand, the department is responsible for providing advice and support to the Governor General, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet and for promoting coordination across the NZ Public service.

The DPMC’s existing system will be replaced by a single data repository containing a single source of the truth. Objective says this will bridge the gap between physical records and electronic business information with the two being managed within a single application for the first time.

“At DPMC, our role is fundamentally about utilising information effectively,” says Mr Brent Anderson, Corporate Services Manager, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. “Information is collated from a variety of different sources and transformed into more meaningful and usable information that can be presented as valuable advice to a very important audience, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet & Governor-General.

“Objective will underpin DPMC’s corporate memory, encouraging consistent use of information, information-sharing and improving our ability to search for information Department-wide,” added Anderson.

Objective has been making an increasingly large mark across the Tasman. Its win with the DPMC is the third in recent months after the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and the New Zealand Government's Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit (CCMAU).

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