Open Source To Revolutionise Storage Management

Open Source To Revolutionise Storage Management

February 2, 2006: A new Open Source Initiative (OSI),, has been launched today, with a view to unify and simplify multi-vendor storage management.

The OSI intends to develop a framework, called CAPSAIL, to help managers understand the requirements of their applications. It says that the software will also automatically prepare storage resources for easier data management.

According to “The goal of is deceptively simple.  We want to create a strategic storage management framework and related functional modules that will be completely open.”

“…we want to manage storage on the basis of supply and demand, with demand characterized by the requirements of applications, and supply characterized by an unfettered understanding of available storage resources and services.” 

Increasing emphasis on compliance will see data storage requirements skyrocket in 2006. While storage hardware is keeping pace with demands, believes that the management of storage technology is stalling due to interoperability issues.

"Despite lip service to the contrary, hardware vendors have little to gain and much to lose by backing a cross-platform management solution," says Jon Toigo, co-founder. "They are not terribly enthralled by the prospect of creating a management resource that will make it easy for a customer to deploy a competitor's gear in the same environment as theirs."

“Maybe an Open Source initiative that focuses on end users can do what the industry cannot:  create a meaningful mechanism for storage management”, claims

Would you use open source software for storage management if it was available?

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