Commander's Volante Bid Rejected
Commander's Volante Bid Rejected
January 13, 2006: War of words, bidder statements "riddled with errors" and the offer still too low all add up to a bitter battle between two Australian IT-based companies.
The ongoing takeover battle between suitor, Commander Communications Ltd - which provides web hosting and data communications - and Volante, a provider Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) and disaster recovery services among others is turning nasty.
Volante has not only rejected the bid in unequivocal terms, calling it: "absurdly low, opportunistic and to be ignored", it has now knocked back the initial December 23rd 2005 Bidder Statement via the Takeovers Panel.
Share AlikeVolante claims that its shareholders will be confused by the fact: that "…shareholders will now receive at least two documents from Commander, one riddled with errors and another which endeavours to correct these errors". According to the Takeovers Panel, consumers may be equally confused.
A combination of Volante's expertise in the supply of IT services combined with Commander's voice, VOIP and data networking offerings would potentially provide excellent nationwide infrastructure for products such as Cisco and Brocade's WAFS (Wide Area File Serving) offerings.
Would Commander purchasing Volante be a good or bad thing?
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