US digs in heels over internet governance

US digs in heels over internet governance

Nov 14, 2005: The World Summit on the Information Society looks like it is going to be hijacked this week as the debate over who is to govern the internet heats up.

The summit in Tunis, Tunisia is set to discuss many issues relating to the information society emerging around the world and how to bring the internet to developing countries to improve their business prospects. However issues like this are in danger of being swept aside as the US squares off against the rest of the world over whether or not oversight of the internet should be under the control of one country, or all.

The debate has been simmering for 3 years now, and with 170 countries picking up the issue in Tunisia for another round of talks, it looks like it will continue for a while yet. Especially with the US locking horns with everyone in order to keep governance under US jurisdiction.

Technical management of the internet is currently handled by the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Based in the US, the corporation allocates and manages country and domain names (.com, .au, etc) as well as the technical systems that enable the global network to function. It manages the internet's address book and ensures users all over the world can find all of the valid addresses out there.

Based in California, ICANN is non-profit and has always been run by independent internet supporters. It is however, attributed the role by tender from the US government.

The US is arguing that it must continue its role as www overlord to ensure technical stability and to stop control falling into the hands of governments less concerned with democracy and free speech.

Most of the countries involved are less than enthusiastic about this approach, particularly the European Union, and are seeking to introduce further measures to even up control now that the importance of the internet has grown. Other countries, such as China, Brazil and Iran have all stated that they would like to play a larger part in governance.

The summit begins on November 16 and concludes 2 days later.

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