Symantec announces Bindview acquisition

Symantec announces Bindview acquisition

Oct 4, 2005: Symantec has announced an agreement to buy Bindview Development Corporation, a global provider of agent-less security software.

Symantec has had quite a year when it comes to new acquisitions. First came its merger with Veritas Software, then its purchase of Sygate technologies and WholeSecurity shortly after that. And now with its impending purchase of BindView, Symantec is again extending its security and policy compliance capabilities.

Upon sealing the deal, Symantec will have the capacity to provide comprehensive security solutions based on both agent-based and agent-less technology. Quite a coup - as agent-based and agent-less solutions compliment each other. Symantec can now provide both its own agent-based technology, suitable for organizations with heterogenous IT environments, and BindView's agent-less architecture, which caters for distributed systems without a central location.

"Today's global organizations are challenged by an ever changing security environment and by the need to meet multiple government regulations," said Ajei Gopal, senior vice president, Solutions, Alliances and Operations, Symantec. "We are excited to be able to offer customers BindView's leading agent-less policy compliance solution. Not only will we be able to meet customers' IT security and policy compliance needs with a complete range of product capabilities, but we will also be able to help reduce the cost and complexity associated with compliance."

Expected to be finalised by the end of the first quarter in 2006, the deal will allow both companies to together offer the most complete solution for policy and vulnerability management from a single source.

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