Getting to know the CIO

Getting to know the CIO

By John Croker

May 01, 2005: Wattyl is a paint and surface coatings company that produces a broad range of paints, varnishes, lacquers and special purpose protective coatings. With operations in Australia and New Zealand, Wattyl employs over 2000 people. Here, IDM chats to the company's CIO, John Croker, who has been in the CIO's chair at Wattyl since April 2004.

IDM-Are there any demands particular to being CIO at Wattyl that may not exist elsewhere?

JC-Wattyl people are very focussed on the business of making and supplying the country's best paint. The key challenge for the CIO is to work within this focus to deliver information services that support the overall business goal.

IDM-Have you held a CIO position elsewhere, and if so, for whom and for how long?

JC-No. I came to this through some consultancy on business process management.

IDM-Has your role changed since your appointment, and if so, how?

JC-Yes. When I came there was not really an IM (information management) strategy. I put this together and started to use this as a framework for moving forward. It has been well received but more importantly the need for the projects to deliver the strategy have been clear and clearly understood by the internal customers. More importantly still, we have delivered against expectation, which always goes to support future ideas.

IDM-What wider industry changes have had the most impact on your position (both detrimental and positive changes)?

JC-The main one has been the acceptance of electronic trading by the hardware 'majors'. We should all be trading that way; Wattyl is and it appears we are a leader here.

IDM-Do you harbour any ambition to be a CEO one day?

JC-I'd be lying if I said no, but in an organisation that is appropriate for me.

IDM-If you had a wish to change one thing about your position that would improve your job the most, what would it be?

JC-I'd like five more business process facilitators. Understanding business processes and standardising them is so important to the way a company works. If you don't then you are not identifying waste.

IDM-What would your dream job be if you were not a CIO, and why?JC-CTO with responsibility for the full spectrum of technology.

IDM-What are the main attributes you feel are necessary to make a successful CIO?

JC-Being willing to listen to others and talk to them, understanding plans they have and having the flexibility to see how they can be fitted into the whole strategic picture while remaining within the constraints of budgets.

IDM-What do you like to do outside the office?

JC-Family activities; personally I like rock climbing, bushwalking, skiing, cycling and diving.

IDM-What is the most demanding aspect of your job, and what is the most satisfying aspect?

JC-The most demanding is ensuring all the IM team understand their role in a service environment. The most satisfying is seeing users' amazement at what a new product or system can do for them; or even more what a system we own can do when we've shown them how to use it.

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Getting to know the CIO

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