Internet set to make life better for Aussies

Internet set to make life better for Aussies

Sep 05, 2005: The future of the Internet is set to improve our lives through enhancing social networks, culture and communication, according to Senator Helen Coonan, who recently launched the Smart Internet 2010 Report at Sydney Powerhouse Museum.

The Report provides expert opinions on the future of the Internet for Australians, revealing that creativity and chaos will continue to transform it, which will allow people to be increasingly empowered to live their lives in a more convenient and informed manner.

Coonan launched the report at the ICT Outlook Forum. "It paints a picture of a more immersive and mobile Internet, offering enhanced services to end users; and of a consumer who will increasingly want greater connectivity to access these services when and where they desire.

Researchers in the User Environments Programme based at Swinburne University of Technology compiled the Report. Although some people have argued that the Internet's chaotic natures will lead to its collapse, this Report believes it will become more user friendly and will use more intuitive technology, eventually becoming an indispensable lifestyle communications tool with more personal than professional content.

Neville Roach, the chairman of Smart Internet, said that one of the unique differentiating factors of Smart Internet is its strength of focus on the user environment.

"This is an element of research that sits across all of our technology projects. To be commercially successful, one needs to understand the drivers for change. Any product or service must have an identified market.

"We apply this same principle to the research projects we undertake, and having a highly skilled group of social scientists as part of the team is fundamental to our success."

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