Sun and StorageTek celebrate union

Sun and StorageTek celebrate union

Sept 06, 2005: These two giant storage companies are celebrating their recent union at Storage Networking World, where they plan to talk to customers directly about how the new combined company will meet their growing comprehensive network computing and storage needs.

James Whitemore, the vice president of Network Storage Marketing for Sun Microsystems, will be talk to users about the benefits of the new organisation at the event which is being held at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre between September 6th-7th.

Jonathan Schwartz, the president and chief operating officer of Sun Microsystems, said that the products and services currently offered by Sun and StorageTek complement each other and form one of the most comprehensive data, identity, and storage management portfolios in the industry.

"Together, Sun and StorageTek offer you the most complete range of products and services for securely managing your mission-critical data assets and identity information.

"This unprecedented collaboration brings it all together for you from one company - a broad, open product portfolio, industry-leading storage and systems expertise, a vast partner network, and virtually unrivalled quality of service and support."

Steve Duplessie, the founder and senior analyst of enterprise strategy group, added that Sun and StorageTek really should be a one plus one equals three. "StorageTek gives Sun instant storage footprint, huge storage credibility, and a fantastic billion dollar service business. Sun gives StorageTek a whole new playground. Together, I can see grid computing and grid storage joining to provide some very powerful solutions moving forward."

Even Niall Wall, the vice president of business development and alliances at Symantec Corporation, is excited about the joining together of these two companies.

"Symantec has a long standing partnership and strong software OEM/reseller business with both StorageTek and Sun. We are excited about the synergies we expect from Sun's acquisition of StorageTek since this will allow us to combine Sun's leading server and storage assets with Symantec's data, storage and server management, availability and security software to deliver world-class enterprise solutions."

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