Closer monitoring made to trade transactions

Closer monitoring made to trade transactions

Sept 06, 2005: Trade operations can be monitored more closely now thanks to a new system that is in place to monitor the movement of each item to eliminate risks and relieve organisations of the dependence on manual processes.

The Sybase Trade Lifecycle Monitor solution provides a real-time, graphical dashboard of every trade delivered to a web page or handheld devices to make sure compliance regulations are properly followed and keep in line with customer service level agreements.

It monitors trade exceptions, SWIFT traffic, transaction counts and channel volume. Richard Payne, the director of financial services sales for Sybase ANZ, said that having control of trade operations and meeting the high demands of the capital market industry is critical for financial service providers.

"The Sybase Trade Lifecycle Monitor solution utilises innovative technology to deliver a real time graphical view of the trade process to a web page or mobile device. Trade Lifecycle Monitor is essential in order to meet service level agreements with customers, optimise the trade process and reduce failed trades.

"As flow products become increasingly automated, monitoring of the trade lifecycle at a high level becomes increasingly important."

Larry Tabb, the founder & CEO of TABB Group, a research and advisory firm serving the financial industry, highlighted that as the pace of financial markets increase, it becomes even more important for brokerage firms, investment managers, and hedge funds to monitor their businesses in real-time.

Some of the features that the Sybase Trade Lifecycle Monitor solution include its ability to create consolidate dashboards based on data from disparate legacy systems displaying a full view of key performance indicators and alerts and notifications anywhere, including to mobile devices, enabling proactive responses to problems before they have a chance to impact the business.

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