Objective selected for crime busting agency
Objective selected for crime busting agency
Sep 15, 2005: The Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia has chosen to use Objective Corporation's electronic and document and records management system to help the newly formed agency control a wider range of information, such as interview transcripts, video and audio media, and exhibits of evidence.
This agency was established to investigate allegations of misconduct by Western Australian police officers and public officers, including those employed in Local Government.
Education programmes with State Government departments, Local Government and the community are also conducted by the agency to increase the awareness of misconduct and how to counter it.
Vanessa Grant, the director of business services for the Corruption and Crime Commission, said that the solution needed to be easy to use in order to be readily accepted by the staff.
"A critical element of Objective's solution is the availability of a comprehensive, easy to use search facility that allows the Commission's information and records to be easily located and displayed at the desktop through a single access point.
"Following the implementation of Objective, the Commission will roll-out its HR, Finance and Case Management systems, all of which will be drawing upon and contributing back to our central enterprise information repository. The chosen solution needed to be able to grow with the Commission and be flexible in order to comply with future regulatory and statutory requirements."
It will replace existing legacy systems from other organisations and will be implemented throughout all directorates within the Commission from Corruption Prevention to Business Services and Operations.
The Objective system has the ability to track the location of and use of physical records and exhibits via a barcode facility. This will also create audit trails for the check-in, checkout, modification and viewing of records and information held electronically.
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