Vision improved for eye care administration

Vision improved for eye care administration E

Jul 12, 2005: Eyetech Day Surgeries, based in Queensland, has managed to streamline administration in the hospital to help it handle patient admissions, transfers and discharges; appointment and theatre scheduling and many more activities.

The Southside branch of Eyetech was opened in November 2004 to service the eye care needs of patients in Brisbane's southern suburbs.

It has chosen Global Health's e-PAS system to manage workflow electronically. This includes medical records management; patient billing and debtors, as well as providing a patient master index.

Anne Crouch, the CEO of Eyetech Southside, said that the reporting capabilities meet the day surgery needs and the ability to customise the system to fit its requirements.

"Eyetech Southside is a ten-bed day surgery hospital. So we have a large number of patients coming through the hospital each day. We needed a system that could handle a high volume turnover, and provide information when and where it was needed.

"Following the implementation of the system, we no have a comprehensive theatre list, which provides an overview of the hospital activities and work loads."

Accessed via the Internet, it also provides client billing and financial and supply management, which has integrated financial management modules with general ledger, receivables, billing, payables, budgeting, inventor, purchasing and assets functionality.

Eyetech currently provides services ranging from eye tumours to cataract surgery, but with the support of e-PAS, the hospital is also planning to expand the range of treatments and services it provides, starting with Electrophysiology in August, 2005.

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