AIIA inspires Aussie business growth

AIIA inspires Aussie business growth

Jul 15, 2005: The Australian Information Industry Associations has set up a programme that aims to equip SME's with the knowledge and management skills needed to gain sustained growth at home and away.

It is part of AIIA's Local Industry Action Group, and it aims to identify and address the key industry development issues that confront Australian ICT small medium enterprises.

Rob Durie, the chief executive officer of AIIA, said that there would be 25 participants who will take part in the programme.

"The programme involves three key elements - training, mentoring and business relationship development. Participants will leave the course with a three to five year export focused business action plan."

"We are very grateful for the substantial grant we have received to subsidise the programme by AusIndustry's Small Business Enterprise Culture Programme. It would not be possible to provide this course at a cost acceptable to SMEs without their support.

"I would also like to acknowledge and thank the Victorian Minister for ICT, Marsha Thompson, for the support and funding she has provided to the programme. This has encouraged a high level of participation from Victoria where thirteen of the participants are located. The ACT government has also provided direct financial support, for which I thank them."

The mentoring will be provided by a group of high-level experienced and successful ICT entrepreneurs, including David Merson, the founder and former managing director of Mincom and Allan Brackin, the founder and former Managing Director of Volante.

Austrade and BDO Chartered Accountants and Advisors will also support training.

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