ICT exporters get special coaching

ICT exporters get special coaching

Apr 05, 2005: Exporters in Australia are being given the opportunity to improve their skills at selling to markets overseas through the creation of a new portal that offers coaching advice and information on how to be successful.

My Export Coach is designed as a new guide for ICT companies that have never exported before or have only made a few offshore sales.

Austrade's global team leader for ICT, Peter Harrison, has invited all ICT companies to find out from the coach just how much potential they have to be a success.

"With around only four percent of Australian technology companies currently exporting, there is a strong need to educate Australians firms about the benefits of exporting and encourage them to expand their business internationally.

"Exports contribute to one in five jobs (one in four jobs in regional Australia) and exporters offer higher wages and training opportunities.

"There are currently more than 22,000 ICT businesses operating in Australia and many of them, particularly the small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) could be exporting."

Austrade claims that the main advantages of My Expert Coach is that it gives companies an overview of the nuts and bolts of export and introduces them to the organisations that will give them practical help to sell products or services offshore.

Companies are put in touch with Austrade's network of technology specialists just by accessing the portal, which can open them up to the international market.

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