CA software receives security healing

CA software receives security healing

By Rodney Appleyard

March 04, 2005: Nearly all of Computer Associate's products have recently fallen victim to security holes, which opened them up to attacks from malicious code, but CA now claims that all of these customers have now applied patches to shut out these bugs.

Six security holes all together were found by iDefense and eEye, which affected UniCenter, eTrust and BrightStor products on a number of different operating systems.

Working closely with eEye Digital Security and iDefense, the CA Customer support team says it has now resolved the multiple vulnerability issues recently discovered in the CA Licence software.

eEye and iDefense have both confirmed too that the vulnerabilities have been properly taken care of through patches being available to any affected license user.

Jim Fisher, the VP of marketing for the Asia Pacific and Japan, said: "We became aware of the bugs in December 2004. It was then that we contacted all of our customers and let them know about the vulnerabilities. By late January and early February, we had patches available to deal with these security holes.

"We made the patches available on our support connect website, and all of our customers should now have filled these holes by now. Customers should have nothing to fear in the future, because we always tell them straight away when security problems arise, and we make sure that they receive patches as soon as possible too."

The vulnerability exists in the CA License package version on the system is between v1.53 and v1.61.8, on AIX, DEC, HP-IX, Linux Intel s/390, Solaris, Windows and Apple Mac platforms.

The patches for these problems can be found here.

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