CA ready to clear out unwanted users

CA ready to clear out unwanted users

Mar 30, 2005: The problem of rogue identities is a constant headache for large organisations because the user IDs of employees who have left attract viruses and clog up storage systems causing unnecessary complications.

However, Computer Associates International is looking to put an end to this problem through the acquisition of an advanced mainframe identity and access management solution, eTrust Cleanup, that aims to protect enterprises by automatically identifying and removing obsolete, unused and rogue user IDs and access rights.

Identity management has become more complex also because of government regulations, consumer privacy requirements, Internet-based hacking and virus attacks, but this solution promises to simplify these issues.

CA claims that it is capable of removing the rights of people who have had their employment terminated, those who have changed jobs, located to another area of the business or have moved on for other reasons.

Toby Weiss, the senior vice president of eTrust security management at CA, said: "When it comes to securing critical corporate information assets, deprovisioning is clearly as critical as provisioning. With eTrust Cleanup, CA customers can automate their deprovisioning process - and thereby eliminate a significant source of potential exposure."

The software is designed to deal with a number of compliance regulations and statutory and audit requirements, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Basell II.According to Meta Group, workers are usually given about 16 IDs to access critical applications during their employment, but only 10 of those IDs are removed when they leave the company.

Unused, obsolete and excessive user IDs and access rights can also accumulate as a result of changes in employee responsibilities. Even more problematic, the hiring of independent consultants and contractors adds to the number of obsolete IDs that float around.

By automating this process, CA hopes to save companies hours currently spent on management housekeeping.

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