Web vigilantes turn tables on scammers

Web vigilantes turn tables on scammers

By Stuart Finlayson

A group calling itself the 419 Flash Mob has launched a 48-hour bandwidth attack on criminals using the Internet to obtain money fraudulently.

The Internet vigilates chose the date of the Chinese New Year, which was on Wednesday, to initiate the attacks. According to the Flsh Mob's website, the date was chosen to highlight the fact that the fake bank sites they are targeting with the denial of service attacks are all hosted in China.

A statement on their website reads: "Our aim is to shut down 8 fake bank web sites in less than 48 hours. Furthermore this online event shall make web hosting companies, the authorities and the media more aware of the problem of the Nigerian 419 fraud, its lottery variant and particular of the problem with criminal fake websites."

The 419 in their name refers to the section of the Nigerian criminal code which covers the type of scam whereby the scammer offers the recipient a share in their wealth in exchange for a transaction fee or their bank details, and upon doing so are promptly relieved of their cash.

The fake bank sites being targeted in this attack are Abbey Trust & Offshore Bank; First Global Trust; Allied Trust Bank UK; Crystal Bonds & Securities; Kash Bank Corporation; Liberty Stronghold Securities and Finance; and BBVA Finance & Clearinghouse, with the group vowing to disable a number of other fraudulent sites once these primary offenders have been dealt with.

More information on the effort, and on the offending websites can be found here.

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