Vendor partnerships set to strengthen in 2005

Vendor partnerships set to strengthen in 2005

Jan 5, 2004: IT vendors are likely to work more closely together as partners as the market shifts towards providing integrated solutions along the supply chain, according to recent trends observed by IDC.

IDC believes that all IT vendors will have to become more partner orientated, and those who ignore this shift needed to provide customers with a dynamic IT environment will be at a disadvantage as the market moves forward.

Cushing Anderson, the research director for IDC's software business strategies group said: "As the IT environment enters its next phase of development in dynamic IT, closer alignment of vendor alliances and partnerships will be required to create a tightly functioning ecosystem.

"A clear result of this activity is that vendor and partner positions in the ecosystem will become more fluid, changing as the situation demands."

According to IDC, dynamic IT refers to a new framework that makes the best use out of the infrastructure, data, and applications to create a powerful set of services to support business planning and execution.

This means that vendors will be required to provide more interoperable and flexible products in the future, as business needs change rapidly.

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