Students get wired to improve performance

Students get wired to improve performance

The University of South Australia has incorporated a new online portal that aims to help students manage their time better so that they can be better organised and therefore perform better with their courses.

MyUniSA has been created in-house at the University over the last six months and allows students to manage information such as emails, results, timetables, enrolment details, library loans, Internet and print quotas and their financial status.

It has unified all of these information sources, which students previously could only access separately. Now, however, they can access the information on the MyUniSA portal from anywhere in the world.

Richard Lamb, the leader of the MyUniSA portal design team, said that system was developed after ideas were discussed with thousands of students:

"Before MyUniSA was officially launched it was tested by groups of students and their comments and feedback informed all of our improvements to the portal. That student feedback combined with the latest software and technology available has led to what we believe is a world class product."

Staff at the University claim that students have taken to the new system immediately and claim that it has made life a lot easier to manage, including their studies too.

The University of South Australia was also one of the first Universities to provide a successful online enrolment system for its students, back in 2001.

With more Universities in Australia embracing wireless technology to allow students to study more conveniently around the campus, it seems that this trend of using technology to make life more comfortable for students is likely to grow in momentum. Lets hope the success is reflected in the study results too.

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