Bank of Queensland first to use marketing ATM

Bank of Queensland first to use marketing ATM

Banks and retailers have the opportunity to market their products and campaigns through ATMs thanks to the release of new software from NCR called APTRA Promote and APTRA Relate.

Bank of Queensland is the first organisation to take advantage of this service in Australia to launch campaigns using video, sound, graphics and promotional coupons targeted at different card holders.

Each campaign can be personalised, for instance, one customer might be offered a low-rate credit card, while another one will be targeted for a discount loan.

Stephanie Peterson, the channel manager of ATMs at Bank of Queensland said: "As the bank expands beyond our home state and opens new branches in New South Wales and Victoria, APTRA Promote makes our ATM network by far the best channel to target and attract new customers

"APTRA Promote's ability to identify other banks' customers using our ATMs and deliver specific, highly-branded marketing to them provides us with a great opportunity to gain competitive edge against financial institutions in these new locations."

A survey by Galaxy Research has discovered that nine out of 10 ATM users in Australia are interested in discount coupons from the ATM, two thirds were interested in discount coupons for grocery items, 62 percent preferred discounts on petrol from the ATM and one in three of ATM users wanted a discount for alcohol.

Justine Corles, the vice president of NCR's financial solutions division in the South Pacific Area, added: "ATMs are the most trusted and frequently used banking channel and thus an extremely effective way for a financial institution to deliver marketing campaigns and strengthen its brand.

"APTRA Promote makes ATMs less passive and provides an opportunity to generate revenue by marketing a bank's own products and services or those of a third party."

APTRA Relate allows financial institutions to operate customer relationship management campaigns through the ATM channel and also allows consumers to personalise their ATM transactions.

This includes reminding them of important information, for example, when their home insurance is due for renewal.

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