Microsoft releases early security updates

Microsoft releases early security updates

Microsoft's latest attempt to distinguish security fears over its software products involves a plan to release its monthly security updates in advance so that customers can be better prepared for deploying software patches.

From November, Microsoft plans to a summary of security plans on its website three days before its regularly scheduled monthly bulletin is released.

At the moment, these security bulletins are scheduled for release on every Tuesday of each month.

This advanced summary will include details about products that are affected by updates, and severe ratings for security problems.

In the past, Microsoft only used to provide advanced updates to customers who signed up through its technical support programme.

The purpose of the advance notification is to assist customers with resource planning for the monthly security bulletin release.

Microsoft said that the information provided in the advanced notification will be general and will not disclose vulnerability details or other information that could put customers at risk.

The information will be available at TechNet Security, but Microsoft said that it will not be seen as definitive because the security information changes so often.

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