Microsoft gears up for battle with Google

Microsoft gears up for battle with Google

Microsoft has launched a new web search tool, which it hopes will rival the Google for providing users with instant search capabilities, as a move to counteract Google's transformation into a multibillion-dollar company.

The new version is available now in beta mode in 11 different languages and the new search engine will find results from a database index of over five billion web documents and pages.

However, this still does not match Google's current index database of eight billion pages, but Microsoft will also field results from its MSN Music service and from its successful digital encyclopaedia - Encarta.

One of the advantages that Google is perceived to have over Microsoft is its accessibility with Linux-based computers connected to the Internet, which could eat away at Microsoft's dominance.

Although the new Beta version of MSN Search still has development work to go through, the Search Builder is already a very significant key feature in the new search tool.

It contains the same basic functions as most other search engines, such as search terms, site/domain restriction, country/region and language options, but it also has "Results Ranking" too.

This feature allows user to customise their searches more by adjusting three different slides, which informs the search engine of you would like to modify your search.

This facility adds another level of intelligence to the search engine, which is not currently offered by Google.

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