FalconStor's VTL looking pretty Sharp

FalconStor's VTL looking pretty Sharp

Nov 25, 2004: Network storage infrastructure software provider FalconStor has netted a deal with electronics giant Sharp, which has implemented FalconStor's Virtual Tape Library (VTL) solution to simplify and accelerate its backup operations.

FalconStor says its VTL solution, powered by the company's IPStor Enterprise Edition software, consolidates the management of backup resources while enhancing the reliability of backup operations and accelerating the speed of recovery.

VTL leverages high speed disk to provision virtual tape drives and libraries to backup servers attached to an iSCSI/IP or Fibre Channel storage area network (SAN) to maximise performance and return on investment.

Sharp was already using large-scale tape libraries for its backup operations. However, the increasing amount of data coupled with a limited backup window created an urgent need for a high-performance backup system. Sharp considered the possibility of adding more tape libraries, but was looking for a cost-effective solution. Factoring in the rapidly decreasing cost of disk and the recommendation of Nippon Steel Solutions, a systems integrator, Sharp decided to test FalconStor's VTL Appliance in their storage environment.

"FalconStor's VTL product met our needs for high-performance backup solutions. The product reduced our cost for adding new machines, and made our backup operations more flexible," said Noriyuki Koyama, counsellor of Sharp's IT Strategic Planning department. "As our IT environment grows in the future, we expect the VTL solution to seamlessly take on the task of managing the backup of additional application servers."

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