Seven steps to increase Aussie broadband uptake

Seven steps to increase Aussie broadband uptake

Oct 15th, 2004: The IDC recently released a report called: "Australia Broadband Market Update: Seven Steps to Move from Backwater to Leader, 4Q04", and it predicts that by the end of 2004, 1 in 4 Internet access users in Australia will be connected to broadband.

Landry Fevre, the research director for Telecommunications at the IDC said: "IDC estimates that the total number of broadband subscribers will reach 1.5 million by the end of 2004 and predicts this to reach almost 4 million subscribers by 2008.

"The residential broadband markets is expected to have the strongest growth in 2004, and will grow by more than three times by 2008. In terms of revenue, the Australian broadband market will reach almost Aus$1.2 billion dollars by the end of the year."

The IDC has also identified that although there are efforts to develop broadband in Australia, but it is still playing catch up with other developed countries.

The seven IDC recommendations to accelerate the take up of broadband are:

1. Unlock broadband speed by removing DSL network speed caps.2. Lower Unbundled Local Loop price and benchmark it against a pool of other OECD countries.3. Develop a strong nationwide broadband initiative for local councils to enable its citizens and enterprises.4. Set-up a powerful broadband regulating and policing body.5. Telstra's sale of Foxtel6. Adopt a strong policy on wireless allocation especially in regional and rural areas.7. Divest Hybrid Fibre Coaxial infrastructure.

Fevre added: "Some of these steps could be implemented very rapidly while others are long term, but all are key steps required to see Australia remain on par with other OECD countries.

"Australia should be at a stage where broadband availability is no longer an issue, especially considering there are still many under-served areas, equipment cost is decreasing and demand is proven. The government's attention should shift to broadband quality and usage."

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