IBM to issue online security warnings

IBM to issue online security warnings

Oct 26th, 2004: IBM is planning on releasing monthly reports of possible attacks to computer networks so that computer managers can be better prepared to deal with threats by malicious hackers.

The report will be called the Global Business Security Index will compile information collated by 2,700 information security employees, a network involving about half a million sensors, security hardware given to its customers and networks in 34 countries.

This network regularly detects 100 million suspicious and active attackers against IBM every month.

Users will be able to view the index on IBM's web site, which will a part of the IBM Security Threats and Attack Trends report.

IBM hopes the new service will act as a strong line of defence to guard against increasingly well co-ordinated immediate attacks around the world.

IBM has reported that Internet attacks, which hit the networks it monitors, rose by 27 percent in September over July and August, mostly from worms.

There has also been a 15 percent increase in the past month of network attacks on critical infrastructure providers, such as computer network sites that government agencies use for very important services.

According to staff at IBM, the window of opportunity to prepare for attack is getting smaller because the attacks are getting more sophisticated.

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