Brisbane web hosting firm in world top ten

Brisbane web hosting firm in world top ten

Nov 1st, 2004: Hosting Oz, a Brisbane based Internet web hosting firm, has been voted as one of the ten best hosting companies in the world, beating competition from United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.

Although the company only provides services for 200 web sites worldwide, which includes hosting, web management, web design and e-commerce support, it is considered to be offer quality as high as well established bigger companies with over 10,000 customers.

Ian Partridge, the director of Hosting Oz explained why he set up his business in February 2002 to provide a service, which he felt, was missing.

"I thought about starting off the company because I was not satisfied with the way my two web sites were being hosted and taken care of. I found these web hosting companies to be too expensive whilst also offering poor quality service. A web site is an essential business tool in this era but many small firms and individuals find the task of maintaining, updating and servicing their sites prohibitive.

"The reason why we have done so well is because we offer a personal service. We know the person who sends us an email or ring up and we know their web site very well too. So we can get to the heart of their issue quickly and reassure them that we can fix it the way they want it to be done.

"It's easier to listen and understand your customer's problems when you don't consider them just to be an account number that is pushed to one side and dealt with later."

Partridge says that his hosting company offers a high level of customised services to the customers too. His company also offers 24-hour technical support.

Hosting Oz customers now include small business, schools, individuals and community and special interest groups. These have all been attracted to Hosting Oz through word of mouth.

The top ten was compiled by

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