Cisco and EMC team up for Data Security

Cisco and EMC team up for Data Security

Month Date, 2008: Cisco and EMC are expanding their strategic alliance in order to boost data center security, data encryption and key management.

When the noise from the various security firms is painting an alarming picture, it’s no surprise that one of the major concerns is data security. The collaboration between Cisco and EMC’s security division, RSA is looking to put those fears at ease by focusing their combined might on data center security.

"The data security market is very fragmented with add-on point tools at every layer of the IT stack which leads to management complexity for customers," said Robert Gleichauf, chief technology officer of Enterprise, Services and Security at Cisco. "Cisco, along with EMC and RSA, its security division, are strongly positioned to provide a holistic approach to addressing businesses' data security needs encompassing products, services, and best practice processes across the network and the other layers of the IT infrastructure."

The plan involves developing integrated products and services that combine the strengths of both company’s existing products:

Data Loss Prevention:

Cisco's Security Agent Management Center and RSA DLP Enterprise Manager will be technology sharing to boost data classification and policy enforcement capabilities.

Data Center Security:

Cisco MDS 9000 Storage Media Encryption and the RSA Key Manager will be inegrated and is scheduled for release via EMC in May.

PCI Reference Architecture:

Cisco Lean Retail solution that incorporates five RSA PCI solutions will be enhanced with the Cisco Application Control Engine firewall.

"Data security is very challenging. Due to regulatory and non-regulatory drivers, customers need to secure sensitive data and gain stronger visibility into where that data resides. The answer lies in coordinated product innovation, strategic partnership and professional services," said Dennis Hoffman, Vice President at RSA.

According to Hoffman, working with industry leaders will enable customers to discover, monitor and enforce the use of sensitive data directly into the infrastructure – no matter where it moves, how it moves or where it is stored.

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