Tax refunds offered in 24 hours

Tax refunds offered in 24 hours

August is always the busiest time of the year for tax returns and the long laborious process of filling out forms for a refund can be avoided now by applying online, thanks to a Web site designed by qualified accountants.

Completing and lodging a tax return over the Internet can only take about 30 minutes on the Tax Returns Australia Web site, which ensures that tax payers can claim all of their entitled deductions and well as dealing with complicated aspects of tax returns, such as rental properties, income from trusts, foreign income and capital gains.

Robert Brown, the managing director of Tax Returns Australia said. "Many people prefer using an online service because it saves time and costs less than visiting an accountant or tax agent.

"People don't need to spend hours wading through endless pages of the Tax Pack or travel to their accountant and pay a hefty cheque for their service. For $39, anyone can lodge their tax return in the comfort of their own home, any time day or night, with a cup of hot chocolate in hand.

"Qualified accountants have designed the Web site to ensure that all tax returns comply with ATO requirements."

Email notification of successful lodgements can be received in 48 hours, refunds are usually sent within 14 days and under the new 24 hours service, users can receive their refund in 24 hours with certain conditions and fees.

Last year, more 600,000 taxpayers registered online to apply for their returns and this is expect to rise to one million this year.

Applications can be saved during the process, so that people can return later to complete it. A secure password is provided too.

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