Hunger for broadband in Northern Victoria

Hunger for broadband in Northern Victoria

A recent report by the Victorian Government has revealed that 350 businesses in Northern Victoria have expressed their strong desire to have access to broadband services, which they need to improve the success of their companies.

The Northern Region Victoria Telecommunications Spend/Demand Report, is the first time that telecommunications growth has been measured in Northern Victoria and is the first in a series of reports about the state of telecommunications services in regional Victoria.

Marsha Thomson, the Minister for Information & Communication Technology said. "Residents and businesses in Northern Victoria have not been getting the access to broadband internet services that they need.

"More and more regional Victorians want to plug in to broadband rather than relying on slower, less reliable dial-up Internet connections.

"By 2008 we predict that the region will spend $587 million per year on telecommunications. What has been forecast is an amazing level of growth here and the opportunity for telecommunications companies to tap into this market in Northern Victoria."

The results of the study reveal that telecommunications in the Northern region of Victoria is due to increase by 53 percent by 2008.

Thomson added that Victoria is the first Australian state to make vital telecommunications information on regional, rural and remote markets publicly available and this report will reduce the cost to investors of obtaining information on Northern Victoria's telecommunications market and promote an environment for competition and investment.

The Victorian Government's growing Victoria fund recently provided $4.1 million to the Loddon Malle Health Alliance which will connect 200 health agency sites across more than 40 towns in the region, delivering affordable broadband access to local health agencies and will have the spin-off effect of increasing community access.

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