IBM Announce New Data Warehousing Software

IBM Announce New Data Warehousing Software

By Nathan Statz

Month Date, 2008: IBM’s new InfoSphere Warehouse with Optim Data Retention has been revealed with the goal of helping companies to better manage enterprise data.

Infosphere Warehouse uses IBM’s existing data warehousing software as well as the recently acquired Princeton Softech’s Optim Data Retention to boost data archiving capabilities. Big Blue has been hyperactive as always on the acquisition front and has shown a remarkable turn-around time for integrating a new acquisition’s existing software into the fold.

"Our clients are achieving significant competitive advantage by capturing insight from massive amounts of information collected during business transactions every day," said Arvind Krishna, Vice President, IBM Database Software. "This ever growing volume of information has a life span -- and eventually an end-point. Managing information across its life span through archiving and retention is the value InfoSphere Warehouse brings to our clients."

IBM is claiming that the software is the first single solution that delivers policy based data lifecycle management. Interestingly enough the Warehousing software will be the first in the InfoSphere family, which is anticipated to expand with future updates and additions to the IBM data warehouse portfolio adopting the name.

The new software will be available by the end of the first financial quarter in 2008.

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