Who’s Afraid of Virtualisation?

Who’s Afraid of Virtualisation?

By Greg McNevin

February 29, 2008: According to a new Netuitive survey, VMware users are unhappy with current management tools, with 94 percent admitting they aren’t confident using the tools the use to manage virtual environments.

The study polled VMware customers, and while it has not published exactly how many it canvassed, such a high percentage admitting a lack of confidence in virtualisation management does not bode well.

According to Netuitive, respondents shed light into specific areas of frustration, with poor visibility into performance, difficulty in isolating root causes and increased administration time all ranking high.

While the popularity of virtualisation is snowballing, the survey highlights that the ability to manage these environments is viewed as overwhelming by many.

“There has been a lot of talk around the value of virtualisation and we can't argue that this area of technology opens up a whole new realm in terms of flexibility, cost savings and agility," said Daniel Heimlich, vice president at Netuitive.

“The problem is that organisations started implementing VMs without first thinking about how they'll be able to manage them. Now we're starting to see a lot of questions being asked about how to do just that.”

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