Microsoft Adds Privacy Features to IE8

Microsoft Adds Privacy Features to IE8

By Greg McNevin

August 27, 2008: The next major release for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is approaching, and as it does Microsoft is talking up new features such as its new private browsing capabilities.

Called InPrivate, the new feature for the upcoming Internet Explorer 8 enables users to temporarily block cookies, automatically clear search terms and otherwise cover their tracks online.

In its official blog, Microsoft says the feature is aimed at those who may be using someone else’s computer and want keep their surfing secret, those who want to shop online for “a gift for a loved one without ruining the surprise”, or for browsing in Internet kiosks.

“When we began planning IE8, we took a hard look at our customers’ concerns about privacy on the web,” reads Microsoft’s blog. “As evidenced by some of the comments on this blog during the IE7 days, many users are concerned about so-called ‘over-the-shoulder privacy’, or the ability to control what their spouses, friends, kids, and co-workers might see.”

Cleaning ones cache and erasing electronic footprints is a relatively easy thing, however, unlike just hitting the delete key and wiping out your entire history – including that of some sites you may wish to keep – InPrivate enables selective scouring, letting a user easily decide what and what not to keep.

While Mozilla has omitted the feature from Firefox to date due to technical reasons, it has existed in Safari for several years now. As we have seen with the debate surrounding the length of time search engines store query data for, online privacy is becoming an important issue, so it is heartening to see companies taking notice.

IE8 is currently expected to be released in November 2008.

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