Simplexo launches Open Source Enterprise Search

Simplexo launches Open Source Enterprise Search

October 1, 2008: Simplexo, an Open Source Enterprise Search specialist, has released its first ‘Single Click' information search tool that enables companies to simultaneously search both structured and unstructured data in real-time.

Simplexo Enterprise is claimed to be the only search platform on the market which leverages native access to the existing indexing abilities of databases and other legacy software and which indexes only unstructured data. Unlike traditional search solutions, Simplexo Enterprise finds accurate and up-to-date information in real time, without duplicating resource-hungry search indexes.

Simplexo Enterprise is claimed to be the only search platform on the market which leverages native access to the existing indexing abilities of databases and other legacy software and which indexes only unstructured data. Unlike traditional search solutions, Simplexo Enterprise finds accurate and up-to-date information in real time, without duplicating resource-hungry search indexes.

"It's a huge leap forward in enterprise search technology," says Alistair Handyside, CEO, Simplexo.

The cost of working with inadequate information and inefficient search capabilities is one of the most pressing threats to any competitive business. Independent research analysts, Butler Group, recently reported that information-based workers spend up to 20 hours a week searching for information. And enterprise search has been highlighted by Gartner as the highest impact trend through to 2012, with the global market expected to top $US1.2billion by 2010.

Handyside continues: "We believe Simplexo Enterprise will significantly reduce the amount of time information workers spend looking for information. We are responding to an increasing demand for the ability to simultaneously and securely search huge and diverse data repositories across the enterprise, enabling rapid information discovery and accurate decision-making".

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