Shrinking Images Shrinks Costs

Shrinking Images Shrinks Costs

By Greg McNevin

November 19 2008: An Israeli company has released what it has dubbed the world’s first commercial storage and bandwidth-reduction software development kit for image developers, claiming it can facilitate costs reductions of up to 80 percent thanks to fast compression and decompression.

Infima Technologies’ JPACK re-compression software for the popular JPEG format used by many online archiving and social networking sites to manage hundreds of terabytes, and in doing so investing in incredible amounts of bandwidth overhead required to deliver a responsive experience for online image viewing.

The company says that JPACK can be seamlessly integrated into vendors' systems, and provides rapid, high-ratio compression paths to significantly reduce latency commonly associated with image uploading, and provide cost savings for JPEG storage and bandwidth due to the increased efficiency gained from higher compression ratios.

“Image online archiving is one of the fastest growing areas of Internet usage,” said Avshalom Cohen, VP marketing and sales at Infima Technologies. “JPACK solution rapidly generates significant JPEG recompression ratios that enable us to decrease upload time instead of adding latency. We have found that this novel approach is much more compelling to vendors, as compared to alternative solutions that have been proposed to them.”

Cohen says that the solution enables instant savings of millions of dollars in physical storage requirements, floor space and server-cooling systems, as well as hundreds of terabytes of storage reduction and power saving opportunities for big firms.

“With no additional infrastructure or hardware to be installed, the cost saving can be felt immediately and the positive effect on the environment is a welcome added benefit," said Cohen.

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