Spatial surge for NSW Fire Brigade

Spatial surge for NSW Fire Brigade

February 23, 2009: The NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) is trialling a sophisticated mapping and geographic analysis system from iintegrate Systems, a subsidiary of NGIS Australia (, to support the organisation’s spatial capability.

GeoSamba is an Australian-built technology that can share location intelligence across enterprise-wide systems and processes and combine it with live or static spatial information in real time.

“It’s a dynamic web application that can be used to coordinate risk management and responses to natural hazards and emergencies in real time,” NGIS Australia Principal Consultant Maurits van der Vlugt said.

“The product can provide online and query support for property and area information, as well as assisting with reporting, providing important spatial information across the state.“Instantaneous and shared access to this valuable information is critical in efficiently managing all types of emergencies and GeoSamba is an effective tool when managing networks of information and infrastructure.”

GeoSamba Universal has been used in numerous breakthrough commercial projects, ranging from an award-winning management system for Australia’s biggest agribusiness company, to real-time incident monitoring during national counter-terrorism

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