Zetta floats enterprise cloud storage

Zetta floats enterprise cloud storage

April 14, 2009:Storage as a service is now on tap from US company Zetta, which is looking to meet a global demand for enterprise cloud storage.

Chris Schin,VP, Products at Zetta, said the company is open to working with Australian organisations.

"At this point, our data centres are in the West Coast of North America. This doesn’t limit our ability to work overseas, but does increase the latency profile of the WAN," he said.

Targeted towards mid- to large enterprises with growing primary data storage needs, Zetta Enterprise Cloud Storage is compatible with all unstructured data such as active file archives, home directories, data migrations, media storage for online distribution, and data warehouse extensions.

“Zetta Enterprise Cloud Storage gives our customers the data security and availability assurances they need to more widely deploy Cloud Storage,” said JeffTreuhaft, CEO of Zetta . “Enterprises are eager to reap the benefits of the cloud storage business model, and we have the technology and team that can speed a company’s safe transition to the cloud.”

Zetta looks and performs just like a local, network-mounted file server. The cloud storage architecture was conceived and developed byZetta’s founders – a team that has built and run multi-petabyte enterprise storage infrastructures.

Zetta Enterprise Cloud Storage is live and has been storing real world data since late 2008. It is currently entering a second phase of staged customer testing and launch.

For more information and for a free trial visit www.zetta.net/freetrial.html

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