Making a case for Invoice Automation

Making a case for Invoice Automation

June 3, 2009:UK integrator Documation has released a white paper entitled "A Guide to Cost Justification for Invoice Management Solutions".

By outlining the factors related to the Return on Investment (ROI) of such projects, the white paper is intended to support the internal business case for those wishing to implement an invoice management solution in their organisation.

Topics covered in the white paper include:

• The tangible and intangible benefits of an invoice management solution;

• The effect that an invoice management solution could have on an organisations cash flow and bottom line;

• The different purchasing options open to procure and invoice management solution;

• The reasons why companies employing invoice management solutions have an 84% lower invoice processing cost than those utilising a manual process.

Documation CEO John Wallace said, "Given the state of the economy around the globe, companies are increasingly looking at technology solutions to save them money and increase the efficiency of their processes.

"Solutions that automate the accounts payable process, such as the Documation Invoice Management Solution (IMS), not only save organisations huge amounts of money, but also increase visibility of their bottom line and cash flow. With an average return of investment (ROI) of 6-12 months, this is something that all companies processing 1000 or more invoices a month need to be looking at. The question they need to ask themselves is - 'Can I afford not to have an invoice management solution?'"

The white paper concludes with an offer from Documation for a free Feasibility Study, which provides companies with a detailed cost justification that can be used to support an internal proposal for an invoice management solution.

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