MapInfo 10 puts business on the map

MapInfo 10 puts business on the map

June 25, 2009:Pitney Bowes Business Insight has launched MapInfo Professional v10.0, which now includes a redesigned intuitive user interface, access to PostGIS, an open source database, and built-in support for Layered PDF generation.

Mathew Linnane, GIS Projects and Development Officer, for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, said: “The enhanced features of MapInfo Professional v10.0 have significantly improved usability and provide seamless interaction between data, maps and layouts. The launch of v10.0 has thrust MapInfo Professional to the forefront of desktop mapping applications.”

Data sharing via layered PDF enables organisations to more easily and efficiently create and share customised maps.

Support for PostGIS, an open-source database, provides a cost-effective alternative while there is now also the ability to tap into Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

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