Symantec adds a personal touch

Symantec adds a personal touch

July 30, 2009:Symantec has announced the Symantec Cyber Threat Analysis Program (CTAP), a new approach to managing security on the Net by placing its own analysts on-site at client's networks.

CTAP analysts will provide provide Symantec customers with detailed reports and validated intelligence on the attacks, malicious code activity,phishing and spam that they are experiencing daily.

Anil Chakravarthy, senior vice president, Symantec Enterprise Services, said “The Symantec Cyber Threat Analysis Program mitigates cyber risk with a comprehensive approach to threat identification, intelligence gathering and validation, and delivers timely response by seasoned professionals to protect critical client information, all supported by specialised tools to enact response.”

Symantec provides both on-site and remote experts who customise the analysis, response and actions to meet the design specifications for each client. Pricing is based on the number ofCTAP Analysts an organisation retains.

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