Vic Transport Accident Commission goes electronic

Vic Transport Accident Commission goes electronic

July 30, 2009:If your organisation is capable of scanning and distributing more than 10,000 pages per day, Victoria's Transport Accident Commission (TAC) wants to hear from you

The TAC has issued a request for tender for "cost-effective end–to-end solution for handling incoming documents so that TAC staff can have immediate access to all documents in an electronic form."

According to the RFT documents, the supplier must be able to manage manage 3200 TAC documents each day; on average 10,000 pages per day and manually identify and sort all documents into over 60 different document categories; and over 200 different document types.

The TAC requires the supplier to handle every step from document receipt until electronically deliver incoming documents for uploading into its document management systems on a daily basis.

A security solution will be required to protect from tampering and "meet current and projected evidentiary requirements for electronic documents in Victorian courts and tribunals. Possible solutions include digital watermarking and electronic signatures."

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is not included in the RFT but is flagged as being required "at some future stage."

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