Dutch Supreme Court signs off on digital signatures

Dutch Supreme Court signs off on digital signatures

August 28, 2009:The Dutch Supreme Court has put faith in a CoSign digital signature solution working in tandem with its Hummingbird document management system to remove the need for signing off official documents on paper.

The Dutch Supreme Court reviews thousands of lower court decisions each year. This responsibility results in an enormous archive of official documents. In order to better handle and access their documentation, the court decided to migrate their workflow process to an Open Text Document Management System.

However, even with a document management system, court documents that required signatures needed to be printed, reintroducing paper into the workflow together with the associated costs and delays.

A digital signature solution for Open Text removes the court's need to print documentation for signing purposes and allowed it to fully leverage the benefits of its document management system.

CoSign digital signature software supports all major documentation formats, including Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and PDF, and allows users to place multiple digital signatures in a single document. CoSign embeds a signature record that travels with the document for every signature it captures.

This portable signature format, CoSign PSF, enables partners, customers, and prospects to retain and verify the proof of identity, intent, and transaction integrity of documentation without any proprietary software.

"The deployment of CoSign at the Dutch Supreme Court further illustrates the professional world's growing acceptance of digital signature solutions in the migration to paperless workflows, "stated Dr. Gadi Aharoni, CEO of ARX. "Our work with the Supreme Court goes a long way to validate both the merit and legal compliance of CoSign digital signature solutions."

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