Poll says financial advisers want document smarts

A quarter of US financial advisers say document management is a technology priority for them this year.

A poll of 1,000 financial advisers affiliated with independent broker-dealers, conducted by InvestmentNews.com, found that simplifying and better integrating compliance tasks, improving customer relationship management, and developing more-robust portfolio management tools were the top technology concerns this year.

The survey found that 23.8% of financial advisers would be giving priority to document management and paperless office technologies this year when it came to technology spending. The poll found that improved customer relationship management technology was the top technology draw for advisers this year, with 50.9% citing it.

CRM was followed by improved portfolio management (35.3%) and compliance technologies (30.6%). Financial advisers will also spend more on IT this year than in 2009, with 63.1% saying they would increase their spending.

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