Objective Meets 2.0 Certification
Objective Meets 2.0 Certification
October 3, 2007: Objective Corporation has become the first vendor to have its content management solution gain full VERS 2.0 compliance certification from the Public Record Office Victoria.
The Public Record Office of Victoria (PROV) has granted the certification under the recently developed Victorian Electronic Record Strategy (VERS.) The Objective enterprise content management solution, Objective 7 meets all five of the VERS Version 2 Specifications.
PROV made the announcement on their Website by simply stating, “Objective achieved compliance of their project, Objectiveagainst all five Specifications of the VERS Standard.”
Objective’s achievement is significant for records management. As one of the most progressive stances on the management and direction of digital records, vendors not compliant with the VERS standard may soon find it difficult to pick up work, particularly in the Government sector.
Already State Records South Australia has announced it’s it intention that all preferred supplier panel members for the provision of electronic document and records managements systems (EDRMS) will need to be VERS 2.0 compliant by 2009.
According to Tony Walls, CEO of Objective, the VERS initiative reflects back on Australia’s long-term progressive thinking on records management. “VERS is a world-leading standard to the problem of capturing, managing and preserving electronic records well in the future, beyond the lifecycle of appliances that create them,” he says.