Workflow add-on for Cumulus DAM
Canto partner Moksa has released an add-on to provide workflow functionality for the Cumulus digital asset management (DAM) platform.
WorkflowManager provides for approvals based on user voting and commenting, and easy workflows with external freelancers and others who don't have Cumulus accounts.
"It's tough to find an organisation that uses Cumulus that wouldn't benefit from Workflow-Manager," said Moksa president Vince DiPaola. "The approval, communication and file transfer options WorkflowManager offers bring a whole new type of job routing power to Cumulus."
Based on the Moksa workflow engine, WorkflowManager takes a modular approach that enables customers to use only the modules they need, with the option to add functionality as new modules become available. More at
The modules available now are Approval Task and Commission Task. Approval Task facilitates approvals based on user ranking and other options, and enables approvers to add comments that are searchable within Cumulus. The Commission Task module makes it easier to work with freelancers and others outside the Cumulus workflow. It provides Web based
job directives, previews, downloads & uploads, with no Cumulus experience required.