SharePoint search out front with OnePlaceMail 6.1
A focus on building user’s trust in SharePoint is behind the latest update to Scinaptic’s OnePlaceMail product, version 6.1, which adds seamless capture of content and provides direct search capabilities within Outlook.
“Imagine if all users had 100% trust in SharePoint from day one - how would your SharePoint adoption be?,” said James Fox, Scinaptic CEO.
SharePoint search is undertaken directly from within Microsoft Outlook in OnePlaceMail 6.1, as well as Fast Search and other third Party search solutions. It is now possible to define one or more search locations that can be deployed to users centrally. Alternatively, a user can configure the search locations in the Outlook client.
The Search locations are available in Microsoft Outlook, Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint (Office 2007 and 2010).
A Save to SharePoint window allows for content to be classified according the metadata/columns defined within a SharePoint environment. This includes support for the full type-ahead capabilities of the Enterprise Keywords and Managed Metadata.
OnePlaceMail 6.1 supports the creation of new Enterprise Keywords or Managed Metadata Terms in the Term Store from within Outlook.
OnePlaceMail 6.1 remembers the SharePoint locations where content has been saved and provides access to these locations for future filing operations using the Copy To / Move To buttons or by performing a drag/drop operation to the left navigation of Outlook.
The update provides the ability for a user to simplify their view of SharePoint by conveniently selecting one or more SharePoint locations (Libraries, Sites, Lists, Folders and Document Sets) and adding these locations into a 'virtual' structure on the left navigation of Outlook.
The favourite SharePoint locations are available in Outlook and also the Save to SharePoint Window when saving content from File Explorer or other Office applications. This has shown to encourage the user adoption of SharePoint by removing the 'noise' of superfluous SharePoint locations.