Mobile Marshal examines Smartphone backups

ATC-NY has launched a new forensics tool for the mobile market - Mobile Marshal - which can extract better information from smartphone backups.

Mobile Marshal automates the analysis of iPhone and Blackberry backups. It scans the backup files and extracts phone-specific forensic evidence, including text messages, emails, photos and many more. When multiple backups are found, Mobile Marshal displays an event timeline to describe phone usage corresponding to specific dates.

Mobile Marshal can analyze Blackberry backups (IPD and BBB files) and extract Calendar Items, Contacts, Emails, MMS Messages and SMS Messages. It will also handle iPhone and iPad backups (from iTunes) for iOS4 and iOS5. 

It will look at Browser History, Calendar Items, Contacts, Geographical Location History and Photos. Mobile Marshal analyses encrypted BlackBerry and iTunes backups when the passphrase is known.

Mobile Marshal maintains an audit trail and generates detailed reports in RTF, PDF, and HTML formats (and many other formats as well).

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