Glossary App for SharePoint 2013

Helping SharePoint users find what they need for collaboration is the aim of the newly released Layer2 Term Set Glossary App for SharePoint.

SharePoint technology is increasingly used as a business collaboration platform on-premise or in the cloud, to connect and empower people. But with the clutter of information inside enterprises today, effective findability is fast becoming a necessity. Users are asking for it and executives are demanding it as “instant information” becomes increasingly critical to business productivity. helps to close this gap.

The Layer2 app offers additional navigation based on existing taxonomies, terms or hashtags managed in the SharePoint Term Store. 

It aims to help users that don't know where information is originally located. Additionally the app can be used as a kind of company-wide glossary, so employees can find a common corporate language and understanding within the enterprise.

“The new app will help Microsoft SharePoint users to reduce the amount of time wasted searching for information and focus on more important functions of their jobs,” said Frank Daske – Business Development Manager at Layer2.

The app is available via the new Microsoft Office App Store and can simply be added to any Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Edition, on-premise or in the Microsoft cloud for cost-free evaluation. 

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