Autonomy LinkSite secures enterprise file sharing

HP Autonomy has announced Autonomy LinkSite, a hybrid cloud solution that integrates HP Autonomy WorkSite, its on-premises document and email management system with HP Flow CM, HP’s public cloud file sharing and collaboration service.

This aims to enable organisations to securely share and collaborate on files in the cloud while maintaining visibility to, and governance of, content from within Autonomy WorkSite.

The company says Autonomy LinkSite "combines an enterprise-grade document and email management system with the ease of use and simplicity of a consumer solution."

 It enables a single file or an entire project folder to be shared in the cloud with internal and external collaborators, directly from the Autonomy WorkSite application.

Files may be password protected and set to expire in a specified timeframe, enhancing content security.

Autonomy WorkSite users have access to all their files, whether stored within the enterprise content management system or shared externally, through a single interface. This allows them to view, edit, share and search both cloud-based and on-premises content from one place, helping them save time and improve productivity.

Files shared via Autonomy LinkSite are synchronized across all employee devices, and can be accessed through any web browser.

Content uploaded to the cloud with Autonomy LinkSite inherits all security properties set in Autonomy WorkSite, and all actions taken on content in the cloud are reported via the audit trail.

Autonomy LinkSite can automatically suggest collaboration partners for any project, based on analysis of email communications. Unified search is also offered across both cloud and on-premises repositories, combined with the ability to view cloud-based file shares from inside the native Autonomy WorkSite application.

“For the first time, organisations no longer have to turn a blind eye to continued use of undocumented consumer file sharing services,” said Neil Araujo, general manager, Enterprise Content Management, HP Autonomy. 

“Businesses now have a very attractive alternative that satisfies the needs of the users as well as the IT and compliance teams.”

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