Business Process & Workflow

HSBC, the global trade finance bank, is working with IBM to develop a cognitive intelligence solution combining optical character recognition with advanced robotics to make global trade safer and more efficient for thousands of businesses.

Y Soft Corporation has announced that YSoft SafeQ Managed Workflows can now connect seamlessly with HP Records Manager 8.x, a records management system.

ASG Technologies has unveiled Workspaces 10.0, an end-to-end enterprise platform that gives users a virtual desktop whenever and wherever they need it to meet the needs of today's hybrid enterprises.

The Real Estate Institute of New South Wales (REINSW), the peak body for the real estate profession in NSW, is enhancing its interactions with NSW real estate agents by offering the ability to digitise customer engagements and agreements.

The State Transit Authority of NSW has successfully converted its paper and digital records from an old copy of RecFind 5 to the new generation RecFind 6 product from Knowledgeone Corporation.

ANZ and Westpac have teamed with IBM and shopping centre operator Scentre Group and have now successfully digitised the bank guarantee process used for commercial property leasing.

Fraser Coast Regional Council in Queensland has selected Promapp cloud-based business process management software to support the organisation.  The local govrenment area  includes the coastal tourist havens of Hervey Bay, Burrum and Toogoom, coupled with the Fraser Island and the Great Sandy Strait.

icare, the New South Wales’ government’s insurance and care provider, has selected and implemented OnBase by Hyland asan enterprise information platform, hosted in the Hyland Cloud. icare will use OnBase to support its enterprise vision of digital information management, initiating the project in its largest division, which delivers insurance and care services to customers of the NSW Workers Compensation scheme.

Nuance Communications and Seiko Epson Corp have announced a worldwide strategic partnership to provide Nuance document imaging solutions through Epson distributors and resellers

Haven't we all been in that position at work when we are performing a task and we think to ourselves, “why isn’t there a quicker, better way to do this?” But we push on and continue to do the same long-winded process to achieve the same outcome; day after day, thinking everyone is in the same boat.
